Privacy policy

Please read the following privacy policy.

Last updated 2023.07.21
We are Promptient. This policy describes how we protect your privacy.
What we Collect – How, Why and When
Here follows a description of all data we may collect from you and how we process it.
User Creation
When you create a user we collect your display name, password and email. The display name will visible for other visitors if you create any public prompts, but your display name is in no way required to contain any personally identifiable data. If you log in via Google we collect your email address, the unique id of your Google account and your display name.
Legal basis: Legitimate Interests
Retention: If you have not been logged in for the past 18 month your account will be deleted.
Content Creation
When you create prompts or rate a prompts we save this information.
Legal basis: Legitimate Interests
Retention: If you have not been logged in for the past 18 month your account will be deleted together with all private prompts. We may keep public prompts that you have created online if, after manual review, they have been found to not contain any personally identifiable information or if they can be anonymized. If you request to have your account deleted, all your prompts, public and private, are deleted together with the account.
Contact Form
When you reach out to us using our on-page contact form we collect your name, your email and the message you enter.
Legal basis: Legitimate Interests
Retention: Once we have concluded our correspondence or dialogue, we will remove your name, email and message from our records.
When you sign up to our newsletter you give us your email.
Legal basis: Consent
Retention: As long as you stay subscribed to our newsletter, we will retain your email. You are, however, always at liberty to unsubscribe, post which we will immediately cease to hold your email for this purpose.
Log Files
We collect log events containing information about each request made to our platform. These events contain the parameters of each request, the requesting IP address and browser information. The collection of these log events are necessary to maintain the integrity and security of our systems – the data is only collected and processed for this purpose.
Legal basis: Legitimate Interests
Retention: 2 weeks.
Marketing Analytics Data
If you consent, we collect detailed marketing analytics data on how you interact with the platform. Specifically we collect data about which pages on the platform you visit, referring page and the search terms you use when you search in the prompt overview. We also collect information about which browser you are using and the display name of the user your are logged in as. We use your IP address get an approximation of where you are located, however we always anonymize your IP address before we store it in our analytics platform. If you do not consent to collection of detailed marketing analytics data, we will only gather simple anonymous data about page views.
Legal basis: Consent
Retention: 3 months.

Third Party Service Providers

We use a few well established third party service providers to deliver our service to you.
Amazon Web Services
Promptient is hosted in Amazon Web Services on servers that are physically located in Ireland.
Data Processing Addendum:
When you sign up for a newsletter or reach out to use through our contact form, this happens through Brevo. Their servers are physically located in France.
Data Processor Clause:

Your Rights

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives you a certain rights in relation to the collection and processing of your data.
The Right to be Informed
You have a right to be informed about the kind of data we collect about you and how we process said data. You may find all information about when, how and why we collect data here.
The Right of Access
You have the right to know exactly what information we have collected about you and how we are storing and processing that data.
The Right to Rectification
You have have the right to have incomplete data made complete and to have incorrect data corrected.
The Right to Erasure
You have the right to have your data erased, also known as the right to be forgotten. We can only refuse a request for data erasure if we have legitimate interest in collecting or processing the data that outweighs your rights to have the data erased. We may also refuse to erase your data if retention of said is required to meet legal obligations.
The Right to Restrict Processing
You have the right to have the processing of your personal data restricted. This may be because you take issue with the content of the information that is being processed or you take issue with the processing itself.
The Right to Data Portability
You have the right to obtain and reuse your personal data. You can request that we send your personal data electronically to third parties in data in commonly used and machine-readable format.
The Right to Object
You have right to object to processing of your personal data, this right may be used at any time, your object may relate to all of the personal data we hold about you or only to certain information. It may also relate to a particular purpose for which we are processing your data.
The Right to not be Subject to Automated Decision Making
You have the right to not be subject to automated decisions. Such decisions could be made by algorithms or artificial intelligence. We are required to inform you if you will be subject to automated decision making so you can choose to opt out.

Our Obligations

Promptient is subject to the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Whenever we collect data about you we take on the responsibility of data controller for that data.
Lawfulness, Fairness and Transparency
When we collect personal data we are required to collect it in such a way that the collection is lawful, fair and transparent.
For the collection and processing of personal data to be lawful it must comply with at least on of the following conditions:
  • The person has opted in to having their data collected by giving explicit consent.
  • The person is in a contractual or pre-contractual relationship with Promptient.
  • There is a legal obligation to which Promptient is subject.
  • The collection or processing is in the vital interest of the person, generally only applies to matters of life and death.
  • The collection and processing is justifiably in the interest of the public. In this case, the processing must have its basis in EU or national law.
  • Promptient has a legitimate interest in collecting and processing specific personal data. This applies either in cases where the person may reasonably expect such collection and processing and the privacy impact is minimal, or where there is a compelling justification for the processing, such as fraud prevention, IT security and platform stability.
For the collection of personal data to be fair it must be in the best interest of the person whose data is being collected, furthermore the scope of the collection and processing can be reasonably expected by that person.
For the collection of personal data to be transparent we are required to clearly communicate what data we collect, how we collect it and why.
Purpose Limitation
The personal data collected must only be processed in accordance with the purpose it was originally collected for.
Data Minimization
Were not allowed to collect any personal data more than what is needed to effectively deliver our service.
The collected personal data is accurate.
Storage Limitation
The personal data is deleted when it is no longer needed for the purpose it was collected for.
Integrity and Confidentiality
The personal data is stored in a way the ensures its confidentiality and integrity.
We are accountable under these principles and are able to document compliance.
Our Mission

At Promptient, our mission is to revolutionize the professional development of prompt engineers through our user-centric platform. We are committed to providing an interactive, intuitive tool that significantly contributes to their professional acumen and amplifies their skills. Our focus is on empowering our users, enhancing their career outcomes, and promoting creativity, all through a solution tailored specifically for prompt engineers. With a relentless commitment to continuous improvement and refinement, we actively seek and value feedback from our community to evolve, enhance, and perfect our platform. Promptient aspires to be the default choice for all professionals in the field of prompt engineering, thereby improving their professional productivity and fostering innovative thinking.